Sunday, October 11, 2009

5-0....? Amazing...

Cant say I predicted it. Cant say I even believed it would happen. But never the less, the Denver Broncos are 5-0. I am utterly amazed. Granted, there have been a few times that luck has been on our side (Stokley's amazing catch and run game 1) but regardless, a win is a win and at this point, I dont care how they get them or are given opportunities, they are still undefeated and are legit. Their defense have stepped up major to become a force to be dealt with.

I've been a Broncos fan since I was a youngster, about 6 or 7. There have been many ups and down and highs and lows. Even certain times to such a low that it was both painful to watch and even more painful to hear from all the non-Denver lovers out there. To be honest, I (like many of my fellow fans and the majority of the media) did not think they would even win 5 games all year. First off, we brought in someone who is basically one year older than I am, which at the time, he was the youngest head coach in the league. There were many doubts. I was a Shanahan fan and rooted for him, even in his last couple of years (he took us to back to back Super Bowl wins, which in my book means he should have been able to leave on his own terms). Next, our Pro Bowl QB has a sissy la la hissy fit and beefs with McDaniels, which led to the trade with Chicago. At the time, I was appauled. Jay Cutler for Kyle Orton and his child-molester mustache and semi-mullet? Come on now. Even people who've never watched a game of football could see that we got the raw end of that deal. If I was McDaniels, would I have done the same though....YES. ANYONE is tradeable....anyone. To make matters worse, our best receiver, Marshall, decides to take a page from Cutler's "I'm a big bitch boy" book and cry and moan about his contract. Now, I'm no expert (even though I claim to be...) but if I wanted a new contract, I'd stop hitting all my girlfriends, getting arrested and hurting myself wrestling with friends and family (wrestling? come old are we anyways?), but again, that's just me.

Dispite all our trials and tribulations in the off-season, the Broncos have come out firing and are a legit contender. I look forward to the rest of the year and see if we cant keep this up and not fall back into the Broncos of the last couple of years. One positive though if they were to fall is that its a good thing we have the horrible Raiders and Chiefs in our division.....both of which I truely and whole heartedly hate...


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sketchy Older Movie

Do any of you remember Pee Wee's playhouse from when we were kids? I do. While I was laying in bed, the other night, about midnight and about to go to sleep, I clicked on the tv, turned to MTV and the movie was on. I remember watching it when I was a kid and thinking how cool it was and how funny...oh how wrong I was (as were many of you were too...). That movie is sketchy at best. How weird and dumb it was/is. The random laughing/giggling he does. The weird little things he says and has around, not to mention that ridiculous bike of his. Seriously, he looks like a child molster. I remember him getting busted for "tuggin" on himself at some adult store or something to that effect and being 5 minutes of that movie again and all of that goes right out the window and you can totally see, he's a freak.

Oh the things we thought were cool when we were did our parents survive the toys, sayings and movies we dragged them to or made them buy for us?

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I've been in Colorado now since I was in the 3rd grade (is that when you're 9?), you would think that after all these years (22 for those of you counting at home) that I would be use to the cold and snow. Well....I'm not. After that many years of anything, you would think you'd get use to it. People in jail get use to their cells after that many years, but why can't I get use to the cold? I absolutely hate it. Its Oct 8th, 5:08 PM and I looked outside and its snowing, awesome.

Yes, this is not the first time I've complained about the weather here in CO, and odds are it wont be the last. A lot of people say "you're in the wrong state", trust me, I realize that. Its not easy to just up and move somewhere else, but believe that I have thought about it multiple times a year in the last 2+ decades (man I'm old). There are basically 3 things that keep me here...first, my mom is in the Springs, had she moved away, I have no doubt in my mind that I would not be here. 2nd, my house. I would lose a lot of money if I were to sell it now in this economy. I have thought about renting it, but if I'm in a different state, I think this would be a hassle. Lastly, I since I have been here for many many many years, I have a lot of friends and people who are special in my life (although, I'm pretty outgoing...I'm sure they are all replacable....just kidding...well, some of them are...).

There is NOTHING good about the cold or snow. I'm not 9 years old again, I do not want to go play in the snow, I don't want to have snowball fights, make snow angels or go sledding (although that use to be hella fun). I do not like driving in the snow with all of you out of towners who believe that with an SUV you can fly down the streets and highways with no're wrong. I wonder how many idiots from Florida or Texas have been in or caused accidents here. Dumb. I do have an SUV but trust me, it doesnt help with certain situations. Ever heard of black ice...? I have no desire to go skiing or snowboarding either.

Problem is, yesterday it was hot, windows were rolled down, felt good. I can't stand the saying "you're in Colorado, wait a minute and the weather will change". While that might be true, doesnt make it better. We have awesome summers here, no humidity, not extremely dry, just nice. I don't want to wait a minute and have the weather change. I want it to be nice or decent ALL THE TIME. Its fall for pete's sake (awesome saying) and I havent even had a chance to rake the leaves in my yard...know why? Um, they havent fallen yet and its already snowing.

I have come up with a new goal for my life as of goal is (assuming my other ones come true this next year) to have this be the last winter I endure here in CO. No, it will not be easy to move, but honestly, I've had enough. For people like me here or anywhere that it snows, God must seriously get a kick out of laughing at how miserable we are for half the year.

Monday, October 5, 2009


What up all?

So its Monday, the only difference is that I actually went to work today..its been 6 months since I've said that. My old company needed some help part-time and hit me up, so I agreed to go back 2-3 days a week, but only for a month. Was good to get out of the house and work instead of just study at home. Felt good believe it or not. Its kind of funny though that I got laid off and went back numerous times to help and now they asked me to come back part time. Kind of shows that maybe they shouldnt have let me go in the first place. Oh well, it is what it is right? Never really thought I would have enjoyed a Monday or going to work, but it was actually pretty good.

Had a good weekend. Got to see an old school friend for his graduation party in Canon City (I know, who lives in Canon City right...?). Went there, had some drinks and hung out on Sat night. Was a good time and was much needed. Its always cool to meet up with people that you grew up with and haven't seen in a while. A lot of people I know don't really like to keep in touch with old school friends, but not me, I'm all about it. I think some of my best friendships are old school ones. Plus I think they mold you into who you are, considering some of them I've known for over half of my life.

Hope you all had a happy Monday.

(see, not all my posts are complaining...but dont worry all, I'm sure they will get back to the "fun" reading here soon...)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Oprah who....? Better yet....Why?

Being unemployed allows me the time to watch certain tv programs that I normally wouldnt watch (even though I should be studying). I am basically the soccer moms that you see, driving the mini vans (which I totally dig by the way and would rock one for sure), staying home, eating bon-bons and watching stupid daytime shows. One of these shows is Oprah.

First and foremost, I'm baffled as to why this woman makes so much money and has so much power. What makes her opinion on ANYTHING more important than the next person? By simply having a product or endorsing a company, Oprah can make or break them. This is crazy to me. Who the hell does she think she is? Its beyond me that so many women (and "certain" men) cater and follow everything this woman has to say. Yes, she's on tv, I get that, but other than that, she's no better than anyone else. She has a college degree, but other than that, she is not more educated than the rest of us, in fact, many of us have more college education than she does. By no means am I saying that the more college someone has makes them automatically smarter, but in listening to her speak, its like she believes she's above everyone else. What makes her an expert on certain subject matters? I was always led to believe that in order to be an expert on something, either you had to have lived it or studied it, no?

One the episode I painfully watched, she had Jay-Z on (which is the only reason I tuned hour of my life I will never get back). After she said numerous times that she basically hated rap its lyrics and what is stood for, she brought him out. First off, if you hate rap so much, why have one of the biggest artists out there on your show? Because he is the CEO of a record label and makes millions is my guess. After interviewing him, he "taught" her how to, that's what I have to say about that. It was painful. She has no natural talent...and I don't mean that on just the rap game. She was waving her arm like the stereotype of a rapper would. Even Jay-Z told her to stop it..that was funny. She plays the "black card" whenever it is convenient for her, other than that, she's as white as it gets.

People might say that I'm jealous of all her success and that's why I'm hating on her. Wrong. Of anything/everything she has, yes, I would like to have her money, but that's it. Oprah is loud, obnoxious, overweight, unattractive, self-centered and overall, not a good person. She preaches helping the poor, has various money managers and self-help people on her show, all the while, she is sporting million dollar earrings and looking down on people...

If you're an Oprah follower, I'd love to hear your opinion as to why. I honestly can not understand why people would listen to anything this woman has to say. What has she done that is so outstanding or deserves this kind of praise? I understand that people will say the same thing about other celebrities or entertainers, but at least they have talent and dont sit on their fat asses and just talk.

The pandora's box has opened...upcoming issues (while not all of them will be negative I assure you)...various celebrities, women drivers, work, school, asians, kids....just to name a few (unless something awesome happens this weekend, then I'll write about that). While I get that Oprah maybe shouldnt have been a topic of mine, but whatever, she bothers me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Random thoughts....

I've always wanted to start a blog, just a place that I can rant, complain, bitch and moan for no reason (yes, I do that on a daily basis, especially when I drink, but none the less, now its on "wax").

I had lunch with my boy the other day, went in to use the restrooms and never fail, there was a short guy with LMS (little man syndrome) using the tall stall to pee. I dont understand that. I think there should be a height requirement on this, also pretty much everything else. Look, we get it that you're short, its not our fault, deal with it. Do you know how difficult it is for a taller person to piss in one of those short stall things? Bottom line, STOP IT.

Today is a pretty relax day. Not much going on. Have to start studying for the CPA test soon, just got my Audit book and software yesterday. Not really looking forward to it though. I guess it could be worse though, could be back working...but then again, could be getting a pay check too.

Its also freezing here today, low 50's I believe? Yesterday was in the 80's. I hate people that are so excited about the winter. There is nothing fun or good about the winter. Yeah yeah, you can ski and snowboard...guess what? This Asian Accountant is an indoor kid and likes heat and a/c. I hate the cold weather. I also cant stand when people tell me I live in the wrong state and I should move. No shit. Like its really that easy to up and move. They should be punched in the mouth.

Well, time to get ready for the day, long underwear, boots and a big jacket and all....